Author: N.K. Jemisin
Published: August 2015
Pages: 512
Essun’s, Damaya’s, and Synite’s world is dying. And not peacefully. Rocked by seismic and volcanic disaster, the Stillness becomes more unlivable with every season. And without sunlight, water, farmable land, or supplies, and with the Sanze empire approaching collapse, their political landscape is just as precarious as their physical one. The orogenes—a people enslaved for their powers to suspend the planet’s tectonic plates—may be the only salvation. Three women—Essun, a fugitive orogene in pursuit of her husband and daughter; Damaya, a young orogene on her way to a lifetime of quelling shakes in service of her captors; and Synite, a Fulcrom trained orogene now charged with breeding an even more powerful progeny—each try their hand at survival.